29 de February de 2024 |

Musculoskeletal injuries in old age

Ageing leads to a number of changes in the human body, specifically affecting the musculoskeletal system. These types of alterations can increase the risk of injuries and falls in the elderly population. Therefore, this Teyder article explores the most common changes in the elderly.


1. Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and a leading cause of pain and disability in later life. As joints wear down over time, the elderly are more likely to experience aching joints in the knees, hips, hands and spine.

2. Osteoporotic fractures:

Osteoporosis is a condition defined by the loss of bone density and significantly increases the risk of fractures in the elderly demographic. Hip, wrist and vertebral fractures are particularly common and can impact elderly people’s mobility and independence.

3. Back pain:

Degenerative diseases affecting the spine and herniation are more frequent in the elderly and may cause chronic back pain that negatively affects their quality of life and functional capacity.


Overall, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and back pain are widespread issues that affect the quality of life of the elderly. Effective strategies to prevent and manage these conditions, such as regular exercise and movement, regular medical check-ups and lifestyle modifications,
are essential.

By focusing on prevention and proper care, Teyder helps promote older people’s health and wellbeing, giving them the opportunity to enjoy an active and fulfilling life as they grow older.