admin-teyder | 14 de May de 2024

Myths and facts about orthotics and wheelchairs

In assisted mobility, there are many myths and misconceptions about technical orthotics and wheelchairs. These misunderstandings can influence people's perceptions of these technical aids and affect their ability to access the help they really...

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admin-teyder | 15 de February de 2024

What is assistive technology?

Assistive technology, also known as AT, is an umbrella term for all equipment, devices, instruments or software used to improve the quality of life and promote the independence of people with reduced mobility. Whether it is electric wheelchairs...

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admin-teyder | 11 de January de 2024

How to help move a person with reduced mobility

Moving a person with reduced mobility from one position to another, such as from bed to wheelchair, requires care and attention to ensure both the safety of the caregiver and the patient. Prior to attempting any movement, make sure you are...

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arnaufreixas | 13 de October de 2023

How to adapt your vehicle for people with reduced mobility

Everyone should be able to move around without restriction, and a car that has been modified is necessary for those who have limited mobility. In this article, we'll go over how to modify your car to make sure it complies with the...

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admin-factoria | 12 de November de 2021

How to choose a scooter for the elderly or people with reduced mobility

La autonomía y manejabilidad, claves en la elección de un scooter para personas mayores La aparición de los scooters ha supuesto un antes y un después en la vida de las personas mayores o con movilidad reducida. También de sus familiares. Y es...

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