14 de May de 2024 |

Myths and facts about orthotics and wheelchairs

In assisted mobility, there are many myths and misconceptions about technical orthotics and wheelchairs. These misunderstandings can influence people’s perceptions of these technical aids and affect their ability to access the help they really need.


In this Teyder article, we demystify some of the most common misconceptions:

  • Myth: Technical orthotics are uncomfortable and restrictive.

The reality is that while some may require an adjustment period, most are designed to provide support and comfort. Advances in technology and materials have led to the development of lighter, more ergonomic orthotics that fit the body better and allow greater mobility.


  • Myth: Wheelchairs limit independence and physical activity.

Wheelchairs are actually mobility tools that can increase the independence and quality of life for people with disabilities. Modern wheelchairs are designed to be more manoeuvrable and adaptable to different environments, like the ones we offer at Teyder. There are also models specially designed for sports and recreational activities that allow users to take part in a wide range of physical activities.


  • Myth: Orthotics and wheelchairs are only for older people.

Mobility needs can arise at any age due to injury, illness or congenital disabilities. Both technical orthotics and wheelchairs are designed for people of all ages and can be adapted to different levels of ability and lifestyles.


  • Myth: Only severely disabled people need orthotics and wheelchairs.

Technical orthotics and wheelchairs can benefit people with a variety of medical conditions, from temporary injuries to permanent disabilities. These devices are designed to provide support and improve mobility, regardless of the degree of disability.


Finally, it is important to recognise that technical orthotics and wheelchairs are vital tools for people with mobility issues. By demystifying common misconceptions, we can promote greater understanding and acceptance of these assistive technologies.