admin-teyder | 11 de January de 2024

Types of Lift Slings

Patient slings are an important tool used to help patients function without strain or pain. In this article from Teyder, we will look at what types of lifting slings are available and what to consider when choosing one. How to choose the best...

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admin-factoria | 12 de November de 2021

How to stay active in old age?

Cómo mantenerse activo en la tercera edad es una incógnita válida para quienes han llegado a una edad provecta. Nunca es fácil sobreponerse al paso de los años, pero eso no significa caer en el sedentarismo o en la inactividad. Al contrario,...

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SEO Factoria | 22 de September de 2015

What to do in case of neck pain?

Neck pain is very common in people of all ages due to postural problems and daily activities that cause muscle strain and tension and poor posture when sitting, bending unduly, abrupt gestures and bad sleeping position or even spend many hours...

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SEO Factoria | 10 de September de 2015


The knees have a key role in the stability and flexibility of the body, so it is essential to take care of them if you're a runner. In fact, athletes often suffer wear in knee cartilage that ends with pain and swelling in the knee. Although anyone...

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