14 de May de 2024 |

The world of wheelchair sports

Wheelchair sports are much more than a physical activity: they represent a powerful means for inclusion, self-improvement and high-level sporting competition. In this Teyder article, we will explore adapted wheelchair sports and some of their...

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14 de May de 2024 |

Myths and facts about orthotics and wheelchairs

In assisted mobility, there are many myths and misconceptions about technical orthotics and wheelchairs. These misunderstandings can influence people's perceptions of these technical aids and affect their ability to access the help they really...

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14 de May de 2024 |

Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic yoga is a form of yoga specifically adapted to address the individual needs of each person, including wheelchair users. This practice not only promotes flexibility, but also mental relaxation and emotional well-being. At Teyder we...

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25 de March de 2024 |

Falls in older adults

Falls are one of the most common and serious health problems among older adults and can result in serious injuries.   However, by implementing appropriate prevention strategies, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk and improve...

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19 de March de 2024 |

Practical tips to strengthen bones and improve bone health

Strengthening your bones not only helps prevent injury, but also helps maintain mobility and quality of life over time. In this Teyder article we give you some practical tips to strengthen your bones and improve your bone...

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29 de February de 2024 |

Musculoskeletal injuries in old age

Ageing leads to a number of changes in the human body, specifically affecting the musculoskeletal system. These types of alterations can increase the risk of injuries and falls in the elderly population. Therefore, this Teyder article explores the...

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