14 de May de 2024 |

The world of wheelchair sports

Wheelchair sports are much more than a physical activity: they represent a powerful means for inclusion, self-improvement and high-level sporting competition. In this Teyder article, we will explore adapted wheelchair sports and some of their benefits.


Primarily wheelchair sports offer people with reduced mobility the opportunity to fully participate in sporting activities and to be part of a dedicated community. By participating in adapted sports, wheelchair athletes can experience a sense of belonging and achievement that goes beyond physical barriers. Regularly taking part in wheelchair sports also helps to develop physical skills such as strength, endurance, coordination and balance. These sports offer an effective way to stay active and healthy, as well as to overcome the physical challenges associated with a lack of mobility.


They are also a legitimate form of sporting competition, with elite athletes competing in national and international events. These sports offer the opportunity to achieve significant sporting achievements and represent their country in high-level competitions, such as the Paralympic Games. An interesting curiosity is that the first official Paralympic Games were held in Rome in 1960, with only 400 athletes from 23 countries. Since then, the Paralympic movement has grown exponentially, and at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, around 4,400 athletes from more than 160 countries participated. This reflects the impressive development and recognition of adapted sports worldwide.


Wheelchair athletes can also inspire people of all ages and abilities. Their dedication and sporting determination show that physical limitations need not be an obstacle to achieving great things. And their participation in sporting events helps to increase visibility and awareness of the abilities of people with disabilities.


In short, wheelchair sports emerge as a unique way to foster inclusion, encourage self-improvement and promote elite sporting competition, demonstrating their relevance in the contemporary sporting landscape.