15 de February de 2024 |

What is assistive technology?

Assistive technology, also known as AT, is an umbrella term for all equipment, devices, instruments or software used to improve the quality of life and promote the independence of people with reduced mobility.

Whether it is electric wheelchairs and mobility devices or voice control and home automation systems, all of this equipment falls into the assistive technology category.


Teyder’s electric wheelchairs, for example, provide greater freedom of movement and access to different environments and our electric motors help thanks to their adaptability and 300W power output.

Voice control systems and home automation allow people with disabilities to interact with their environment more intuitively and efficiently. These technologies provide independence and autonomy to those who face mobility or communication challenges, from switching on lights and adjusting the temperature to controlling household appliances and electronic devices.

In addition, assistive technology encompasses a wide range of applications in areas such as health and rehabilitation. For example, advanced prostheses and augmentative and alternative communication devices are available to enhance social inclusion for people with physical or speech impairments.


In short, assistive technology is a tool that is changing the way people with disabilities live and interact with the world around them by providing practical and accessible solutions.

As the world is constantly evolving, assistive technology continues to be a growing field, driven by innovation and a commitment to wellbeing. At Teyder, we are committed to continuing to innovate and develop technological solutions that improve the lives of people with reduced mobility.