TEYDER,S.L manufactures and markets parts and bandages for technical orthopedics and sports medicine.
Additionally, it imports and distributes support products aimed at improving the quality of life of people with functional diversity or reduced mobility.
Through its Management, it is committed to providing this service and maintaining a high level of quality, making every effort to:
- Provide an efficient quality service, taking into account the type of product manufactured.
- Involve the organization’s staff in quality activities and seek continuous improvement at all times.
- Keep employees’ training up to date to carry out the planned tasks and inform all organization personnel about the functioning of the Quality Management System and the set objectives.
- Comply with legal requirements, as well as others that the organization subscribes to.
- Satisfy the needs of our customers, as well as other stakeholders.
Through the development of these actions, TEYDER, S.L. is committed to the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
Furthermore, to ensure compliance with this Quality Policy, Management is committed to defining quality objectives consistent with this policy and periodically reviewing the system to ensure its effectiveness at all times, so that it serves as a permanent guide and reference point for the organization.
Dirección General
Laia Carabellido
Sant Vicenç dels Horts, 2022