30 de November de 2015 | Uncategorised

Trail running or mountain race is a variant of Running consisting in run mountain trails through all kinds of obstacles like irregular slopes, rivers and everything that nature offers in a mountainous terrain.

Due to weather conditions and terrain, riders must be very well equipped and trained to avoid possible injury or setbacks. So in Teyder we provide some recommendations and comfortable braces to practice this trendy sport.

Tips for improving as a Trail Runner

A good trail runner must be prepared for any challenge and it is therefore essential to consider the different factors that will help you overcome the Trail Running race successfully:

  • Trail Running Equipment
    • Trail running shoes for running on any surface and prevent injuries.
    • Survival basics to run.
    • Telescopic hiking poles.
    • Sunglasses, flashlights, windbreaker, orthosis and other useful items for running.
  • Constant running and training
    • Combine training on hills and plains to improve speed.
    • Spread in unstable environments to improve your balance and proprioception.
    • Work all parts of your legs with a wide variety of materials and exercises to strengthen and stabilize your knees. By strengthening the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves you will get security when running on the downhills and an increase of your resistance.
  • Stretching and exercises before the mountain race
    • Perform many stretches for Trail Running: acquire strength, increase speed, prevent sports injuries,…
    • Stretch for the hamstrings before running: raise your leg forward and rest it on a surface that allows an angle of 90 degrees with your legs. From there, try to stand with good posture and upturned ass.
    • Squat to strengthen buttocks: open your legs and put your hands on the back of the head, so that each arm forms a triangle. Then contract the belly and lowered and raised bending your knees and keeping a good posture of the spine.
    • Keep the balance with different supports totally barefoot.
    • Stretches of quadriceps for runners: kneel and lean your torso back for seconds.
  • Prevent injuries with braces
    • If you have previously suffered injuries, Teyder recommend protecting the body part that has been injured with a brace. In trail running, like other variants of running, the lesions are usually located on ankles and knees, so it is important to be careful and avoid ankle and knee sprains with knee braces and ankle braces.
  • Tips for the Trail Running
    • Increase stability opening your arms to run a sharp slope.
    • When running in a technical terrain, make alternate strides to prevent falls and injuries.
    • Avoid heat stroke with sun protection and hydration.
    • Alternate the pace run after an intense downhill.
    • Walk briskly in the great unevenness terrains to restore forces and keep running.

To be fully fit in a mountain race equip yourself well, train daily and take precautions like using braces to prevent ankle and knee injuries. Teyder Barcelona help you with the prevention and recovery of injures with the best orthosis.

27 de November de 2015 | Uncategorised

20% of the population has partially broken the supraspinatus muscle, but they do not know it.

The shoulder is a set of joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles that allow greater mobility of arm. If the rotator cuff is not ready or makes an extra effort, you will easily suffer from shoulder pain, because of any swelling, damage or bone changes around the rotator cuff can cause shoulder pain. However, with the passage of time shoulders have less mobility and more injuries, forcing the use of orthosis.


Shoulder pain often arises when the tendons of the rotator cuff are trapped under the bone, causing inflammation, tendon injury or even shoulder tendinitis of the rotator cuff.

The most prone people to shoulder injuries are those that have a manipulative work and have to make repetitive shoulder movements for hours, but also swimmers, baseball players, tennis players and weightlifters who do not use shoulder supports for sports prevention.

In addition, shoulder pain also appears because of:

  • Arthritis in the shoulder joint.
  • Bone spurs in the shoulder.
  • Bursitis: inflammation of bursa, which protects the shoulder joint and allows better mobility.
  • Fracture of shoulder bones.
  • Dislocation.
  • Shoulder separation.
  • Stiffness of muscles, tendons or ligaments of the shoulder that makes difficult the shoulder mobility.
  • Arm injury that affects the shoulder.
  • Old injuries without adequate orthosis or rehabilitation.
  • Sprain of the tendons of the rotator cuff.

Sometimes we can locate the cause of shoulder pain in the neck and even in lungs, so that the shoulder pain has nothing to do with its mobility.

Tips of Teyder

Experts in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine of Teyder give you some tips to reduce shoulder pain:

  • Use shoulder orthosis, as Neothermik shoulder supports of Teyder.
  • Alternate cold and heat three times a day to relieve shoulder pain. It is important that the ice does not have direct contact with the skin, so you can use a cloth.
  • Rest: it is important not to make sudden movements or overexertion while carrying shoulder orthosis.
  • See a doctor. If the pain comes from the neck it is important not to use shoulder supports; you have to use a sling.
  • Take NSAIDs only when it is necessary.
  • Therapeutic massages.

Visiting a doctor is essential if you have recently had a serious injury and you have shoulder pain and it does not subside with orthosis or if you have symptoms like fever, swelling, redness, bruising or shoulder mobility problems.

If shoulder pain arises suddenly or you notice a pressure that reaches to the chest or neck, call emergencies, especially if you have other symptoms like dizziness, sweating or difficulty to breath, as it can be related with a heart attack.

Prevention of shoulder injury

  • Use shoulder supports in sports that require continuous efforts or shoulder movement.
  • Stretch and strengthen muscles and rotator cuff under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
  • If your job is usually manipulative and you notice shoulder pain, use shoulder orthosis during work or when the first pains appear.

Teyder, seeking your wellbeing with our innovative design of orthosis.

20 de November de 2015 | Uncategorised

Arthralgia is an acute joint pain that may occur suddenly or may be aggravated with the passage of time. However, symptoms of arthralgia may occur regularly or at certain times:

  • Burning sensation
  • Itching
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness
  • Severe pain or tenderness in the fingers
  • Redness, warmth or swelling
  • Disabilities in joints
  • Headache or fever
  • Rigidity
  • Tingling or strange sensations

If you experience any of these symptoms, Teyder, experts in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, recommends go to the doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and use specialized orthosis for arthralgia, as our Prot Point Elastic hand brace. If arthralgia symptoms are bleeding or fever, call emergency: fatal complications are rare in arthralgia, but better safe than sorry.

Causes of arthralgia

Arthralgia may develop due to different causes:

  • Injuries related to bones, joints, tendons or nerves without orthosis protection.
  • Arthritis of various types: the most common cause.
  • Infectious diseases such as hepatitis, influenza, measles, mumps, or mononucleosis.
  • Causes such as tendonitis, bursitis or spondylitis.
  • Leukaemia.
  • Side effects of medication.
  • Lupus erythematosus (disorder involving the fact that body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues).
  • Tumours of bones, joints or soft tissues.
  • Fibromyalgia.

Although the main causes of arthralgia are the previous ones, other factors influencing the chance of developing arthralgia, such as age, obesity, older lesions of joints or overexertion of joints without orthosis. Therefore, orthosis are recommended both for prevention as for protection of arthralgia.

Hand arthralgia treatment

Arthralgia treatment depends on the cause of joint pain, so that even though a personalized diagnosis is needed, it is important to relieve joint pain with painkillers or anti-inflammatories other than narcotics, in addition to using appropriate orthosis to avoid aggravating the injury and include therapeutic massages in the treatment of arthralgia.

In milder cases, Teyder recommends the use of a hand brace as the orthosis of Prot Point Elastic and, for severe arthralgia is necessary to use other hand orthosis adapted to your needs.

Whatever your injury is, consult your doctor the use of braces or orthosis and Teyder, experts in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, will offer you what you are looking for.

17 de November de 2015 | Uncategorised

The practice of running is much more than the simple action of running.

Exercising or playing sports brings many benefits to the body and health of people if you use sports braces. So in Teyder, experts in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, we give 16 reasons to start and never stop practicing sports such as running:

  1. INCREASES CARTILAGE PRODUCTION and protect joints from arthritis thanks to the impact of running and the use of appropriate orthosis.
  2. PREVENTS DISEASES like diabetes, cholesterol or obesity if the runner goes running regularly.
  3. BETTER HEARING due to an improvement in the circulation of any runner.
  4. PREVENTS SKIN CANCER combining running and coffee because that helps to produce less damaged cells.
  5. The daily running allows WEIGHT CONTROL. Running burns calories, so it is an ideal sport to manage your weight and burn fat.
  6. Reduces the MIGRAINE EPISODES with regularly outdoors running.
  7. BETTER CARDIORESPIRATORY SYSTEM after the adaptation of the body in sports.
  8. INCREASES MUSCLE MASS thanks to the fact that running stimulates the reproduction of stem cells.
  9. Running REDUCES STRESS with aerobic exercise.
  10. It IMPROVES COGNITIVE SYSTEM because running is a very effective for stimulating the brain of the runner.
  11. PROTECTS BONES with the weight that they have to support, the use of sports orthosis and greater muscle density that day after day helps strengthen bones.
  12. PREVENTS CANCER in areas such as the lung or digestive tract, also breast cancer.
  13. Running allows a GREATER MUSCLE TONING for the runner to be always in shape.
  14. AVOID INSOMNIA after running, so you can rest peacefully.
  15. PROVIDES BENEFITS IN SELF ESTEEM AND SOCIALIZATION thanks to the fact that practice running regularly increases self confidence and even you can share your experience with other runners.
  16. SLOWS MUSCLE AND BONE AGE thus preventing osteoporosis.

Are not these 16 benefits enough to wear your sports orthosis and go running as a professional runner?

In Teyder we encourage all runners to go running without injuries using our sports braces of Sport One or elastic braces Ecolastic.

11 de November de 2015 | Uncategorised

Maintaining a good diet is essential for runners, as are foods that give us enough energy to run. In addition, good nutrition allows runners recover energy, oxidation and muscular wearing during sports. However, there are many recommendations that do not have in mind the needs of each runner at all times. So Teyder, experts in orthopaedics and sports medicine, offers some guidelines that can vary each runner.

Recommended foods for runners

In fact, the diet of the runner follows the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet, which is applicable to all types of runners and helps to prevent injuries. Teyder recommends:

  • Dried fruit (dates, walnuts, almonds) that strengthen the muscles of the runner to be rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables take two or three times a day helps prevent oxidative stress in the cells of our body, the antioxidants in these foods prevent excessive wear on our body, and we provide vitamins and minerals needed for run. It is important to ensure that foods are seasonal and that each serving of fruits and vegetables has different types of fruit and vegetables in order to eat 5 different fruits and 5 different vegetables.
  • Banana is one of the most recommended fruits for runners because of potassium for muscle recovery and prevention of cramps. It also provides quick energy to replenish spent glycogen in the running.
  • Omega-3 (oily fish, walnuts, flax…): helps to protect the heart of runner, a muscle that sometimes is put in limit, and control inflammation.
  • Carbohydrates (algae, whole as pasta and rice) protect the intestinal mucosa of the runners to limit inflammation and immune reduction occurs when the sport is practiced at high intensity.
  • Other foods: jelly and eggs (to protect the joints of the runner and mobility); sesame and cabbage (calcium); oily fish, legumes, nuts and seeds (phosphorus); pure cocoa (magnesium) and oats (silicon).
  • Honey as a replacement for sweet: provides energy to run, potassium and phosphorus.

As we have seen in Teyder, oily fish is one of the most recommended to runner to protect joints and obtaining Omega-3, but oily fish is also very suitable to lose weight while still eating protein for muscles, to avoid runner inflammation and for the fluid retention. For this reason, it is recommended to eat at least 5 fish dishes a week.

Foods that runners should avoid

  • Sausages
  • Bread and biscuits
  • Butter and cream
  • Sauces
  • Ice Cream
  • Fried
  • Sweets
  • Alcohol

When and how should I eat?

For runners is very important to have a varied, complete and balanced diet, with breakfast, lunch, snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon) and dinner. Teyder advises:

  • Breakfast: bread with tomato, olive oil and ham or cheese, yogurt, a fruit salad with some nuts, muesli…
  • First snack: yogurt or fruit.
  • Food: salads, vegetables, oily fish, meat (chicken or turkey), whole wheat pasta, rice, vegetables… It is important to combine different ingredients and vary each day to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Second snack: nuts, fruit, bread with cheese, yogurt or muesli.
  • Dinner: blue fish, vegetables, soup, yoghurt, salad, fruit salad… A light but promote optimal nutrient dinner break.
  • Hydration

Hydration is a very important part of the diet, and more in sports. Therefore, runners should drink more water than usual because during running we become dehydrated more easily (1L per hour of running). When should I drink water? Before, during and after running, runners should take approximately 1L of water or a drink with sodium, thus the runners can prevent flatulence and dehydration.

Can I eat before running?

For the proper functioning of our body during running, it is important to eat carbohydrates easy to digest (wholegrain cereals, wholemeal bread, rice, banana …) between one or two hours before running. These foods provide us with glucose energy to run, but runners should not eat them too much because these foods can turn them into fat.  Also the runner should avoid supplement this food with fat or sugar. If the runner decides to go running after eating, you have to wait about three hours and eat a snack after training.

What to eat after running?

  • For runners, it highlights the importance of drinking water or some sports drinks and eating fruit.
  • One serving of easily digestible protein to rebuild muscle fibers of the runners.

Teyder, experts in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine for runners.

27 de October de 2015 | Uncategorised

Tennis elbow injury or epicondylitis is a degenerative elbow injury because of forcing the forearm or wrist constantly. So often it is recurrent to racquet sportsmen like tennis players that do not use elbow braces, but not only affect this type of sportsmen.

Actually, epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is an inflammation of the tendon around the elbow caused by overuse of the forearm muscles. This overuse can be a repeated and persistent use of the muscles of the forearm or misuse of orthosis or musculature that end with injuries such as tennis elbow.

Symptoms of tennis elbow injury

Epicondylitis or tennis elbow is usually a sports injury that causes pain on the outside of the elbow and can appear at any time, even when rotating or lifting any object. If we touch the elbow, another symptom of tennis elbow is that you will notice a sharp pain on the outer side of the elbow, right around the bone. This pain can be relieved with orthosis and anti-inflammatory.

As it is a kind of tendinitis, the pain of the injury will increase to flex or extend against an opposing force. However, epicondylitis is characterized by constant elbow pain that goes to the forearm and wrist causing a weak grip if there isn’t a good use of orthosis or braces.

Prevention and treatment of epicondylitis

For tennis elbow injury prevention you must take into account the following advices:

  • Postural hygiene.
  • Preventive use of elbow braces.
  • Avoid overexertion.
  • Improve the execution technique of your movements.
  • Let rest the area after performing many elbow movements.
  • Stretching and gentle massage in the area of ​​the elbow.

For the treatment of epicondylitis the medical monitoring it is essential, although Teyder offers some advice for a functional recovery of your tennis elbow injury:

  • Cryotherapy.
  • Rest as directed by your doctor.
  • Use anti-inflammatory gels or medicines like ibuprofen or naproxeno.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rehabilitation and constant stretching exercises.
  • Postural re-education and improvement of your execution technique.
  • Use the elbow orthosis of Sport One that Teyder designed for the recovery of epicondylitis.

If you’ve suffered a tennis elbow injury and want to re-mobilize your entire arm with normality is important to know the cause of your elbow injury and avoid it. How? If you are a tennis player: observe the correct forms of execution, change the handle size or material of your tennis racket, improve your technique, use elbow orthosis and reduce the frequency and intensity of play tennis. If your elbow injury is due to overexertion at work, consult the best exercises and stretching arm with a physiotherapist without neglecting the good body posture and elbow orthosis to prevent further overexertion.

Thus, both prevention and treatment of epicondylitis (tennis elbow) require good elbow orthosis. In Teyder we have elbow braces designed for all kind of elbow injuries and the different phases of epicondylitis. Find your elbow orthosis for tennis elbow here.